Capitol rioting was inexcusable
Make no doubt about it, rioting and destruction at our nation’s Capitol last Wednesday was totally shocking and inexcusable. What started out as a massive rally in support of President Trump quickly turned ugly when some in the crowd started pushing aside barricades and forcefully entered the nearby Capitol building. Those were not the actions of peaceful Trump supporters.
Just prior to this happening, four white shuttle busses reportedly carrying Antifa members, some dressed in Trump garb, showed up and unloaded passengers. Just as we witnessed this summer with peaceful protests turning violent with rioting, burning and looting, this anarchist group apparently led the charge into the buildings and offices. Capitol police were totally unprepared as the rioters pushed past them and entered the building where some proceeded to smash windows and break things.
The head of Capitol security said he never anticipated the peaceful demonstration of presidential support would turn violent. Neither did anybody else, including the demonstrators. A 34-year-old unarmed San Diego woman, 14-year Air Force veteran and Trump supporter, was shot and killed by a law enforcement officer. Three other people reportedly died of medical emergencies. More than a dozen police officers were injured. One later died.
Members of Congress were meeting to certify the electoral college votes and to declare Joe Biden president. Their deliberations were interrupted by the rioters who had breached the building and were heading toward the chambers. Members were evacuated to a safer area as armed federal agents drew their weapons. It was a scary situation for them, we’re sure.
The following day, it didn't take long for Democrats to demand the president be removed via the 25th Amendment which requires a majority vote of the vice president and the cabinet because they deemed the president unfit to fulfill his duties. When that didn’t happen, the vindictive Pelosi and Schumer decided the president should be impeached to remove him from office. They and their media friends accused the president of inciting a riot. Keep in mind that Biden would be sworn into office in less than two weeks at the time. This is the Democrats flexing their new political muscles and is a good indication of things to come.
The biased liberal media finding “lawlessness inexcusable” is almost laughable after dismissing rioting, burning a looting of our major cities this summer as “peaceful protests.” This was nothing compared to what Black Lives Matter and Antifa destroyed in our country this summer, including a prolonged assault on the White House.
What followed was censorship of the president by big tech companies that banned him from Facebook and Twitter, permanently banning him from the latter. This is perhaps the most disturbing action to take place in the aftermath of the Capitol rioting. Trump was the first of many to have their social media accounts disappear due to the actions of Facebook and Twitter. Imagine, unelected, biased social media controllers took it upon themselves to condemn the president and take away his ability to communicate with his supporters, which is half the country.
We believe in free speech and have always allowed it on the opinion pages of this newspaper. Censoring those with ideas that differ from yours is never a good idea, but it is being done today. We need to ensure there is a free flow of thought in this country, even if it does not fit your thought pattern.
In case you haven’t noticed, there is a serious problem with the “cancel culture” in our nation where people and companies you don’t agree with are chastised and boycotted. It didn’t used to be this way, but certain Democrats have encouraged these actions the past four years by asking their followers to confront Trump supporters wherever they find them; Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is the first that comes to mind.
Hang on to your hats!