Going to state
The Hill City Drama Department’s One-Act play group is going to state.
The group moves onto state after going up against six other schools in the regional competition. Hill City is one of two schools (the other being Custer) that advanced out of Regions to the Class A state competition.
“The play we are producing, ‘Take Five’ by Westley Pederson, is a comedy about a young married couple, Alex and Sharon Cane, who are planning to entertain guests for the eveing,” said Bryon Christian, who is the teacher in charge of the team. “Expecting their first child, Alex and Sharon learn that Sharon’s sister, Gladys, might be pregnant, too, but her boyfriend is nowhere in sight. Mayhem ensues when univited guests show up and refuse to leave, and their home is in shambles before dinner is even served. Then things really get cooking.”
The state festival is divided into three sites this year, and Hill City will be performing at 2:45 p.m. on Friday at Rapid City Central High School. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the state festival is closed to the public this year.
This production is directed by Lori Stewart and Christian and features some great student acting, Christian said.
There will be a public performance of the play on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the high school theater. Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for students.
“The one-act competition is unique in that each school is allowed only 45 minutes on stage,” Christian said. “Starting with a bare stage, they have to set up any backdrops, bring out their set pieces, perform the play, and clear the stage of everything—all within that 45 minute window. This requires incredible discipline and preparation on the part of the actors. And we will be putting all of this on display for our public performance. The audience will be in for a treat.”