Norma Najacht is spending her time at home making vienna rolls.
Watching DIY, updating the MacBook Pro to SSD, doing taxes, waitin for the snow to hit and generally chillaxin." - Carl Hansen
Justin Blodgett says hobbies are essential to a healthy mind.
"Work, work, work." - Larry Maciejewski
Samantha Long said she is making the kids clean their rooms and trying to keep her part clean and trying not to go crazy. She'a also binge watching shows. She's also trying to make sure their computers work so they can get their homework done. "It’s been interesting to say the least," Long said. Meanwhile Henrietta Harley said she cut up a tree in her back yard cleaned up and now is wondering what is next,
Tif Kais showed her daughter Kimber reading to a cold calf by the wood stove. Nothing hasnt changed much for us with this COVID19, she said. "Just another day on the ranch."
Custer County Chronicle
Hill City Prevailer News
Down Country Roads