- What is your favorite Christmas song of the top 15 Christmas songs as listed by pennlive.com (three week tournament)? - 6 votes - closed
- When do you put up your Christmas tree? - 5 votes - closed
- Do you travel for Thanksgiving or host a get together at your home? - 6 votes - closed
- Are you pleased with the results of Tuesday’s elections? - 7 votes - closed
- How closely will you be following the results of Tuesdays elections? - 7 votes - closed
- Which political party do you predict to gain/retain the most seats nationwide in the upcoming General Election? - 11 votes - closed
- Do you think the United States is heading toward a recession? - 7 votes - closed
- Are you worried Russian President Vladimir Putin will deploy nuclear weapons in his country’s war with Ukraine? - 6 votes - closed
- How many times have you attended the Buffalo Roundup? - 10 votes - closed
- Do you refer to grocery store sales fliers to assist you in shopping? - 6 votes - closed
- How prepared do you feel for an emergency? - 8 votes - closed
- Are you still following the war in Ukraine? - 7 votes - closed
- What are you thoughts on the college loan forgiveness program? - 16 votes - closed
- Which fall sport are you most interested in following at CHS this year? - 4 votes - closed
- Will we ever see unleaded gas under $3 a gallon again? - 7 votes - closed